Tuesday 22 December 2009

Harry Home

I am not too good at this whole blogging thing. But since nobodys reading it yet I don't suppose is matters :D.

So since my last blog, Harry has come home! He has been home for 5 whole days now, and I think he likes me a lot more now. (Well it's a choice of me or the chickens!) We have been practising coming in and out of the stable, since he doesnt want to leave his stable, but then doesnt want to go back in!

He was quite jumpy the first day home when I went in to muck out, my fork was blue! What a ridiculous colour! He thought. But he has quickly got used to stupidly coloured tools, and has stopped jumping every time I move with one in my hand.

He was also not too good at being handled on his off side the first few days, but is now happy for me to groom him on both sides (although he doesnt want me touching his belly - that's where the wolves attack!)

So every day is a bit more progress, the biggest thing I am pleased about is that his first reaction when something spooks him is to turn to me - hooray he likes me!

We finished this evening with putting a headcollar on and off over the one that's currently staying on 24/7 at the moment, but the plan is when he's happy with the new headcollar going on and off, then the current one shall come off.

He's also been having fun skidding around the paddock in the frost! More up dates, after christmas I expect!