Or rather, moving from a tiny paddock and stable to a huge, wet, muddy field, atleast 4 acre in size, starting at the bottom of a hill and spreading all across said hill, with lots of trees and bushes included.
As I am going into hospital tomorrow, Harry has moved to this lovely horse paradise to be looked after by my friend. The field currently had my friends 2 dartmoor crosses already living there (being around 3/4 in age) So Harry now has space, grass, ponies and MUD!!
The day of the move dawned grey and drizzly. Me and Harry walked to the field without incident (it's a 10 minute walk through the village) Although we did see a very scary parked car! Then we got to the field, I let Harry off and called Nick and Rocky down while Harry happily sniffed the piles of poo by the gateway. When Nick and Rocky appeared at full gallop down the hill, his first reaction was to run away, then realising it was ponies run forward, while they ran away, then ran forward, then all 3 ran around for a bit, then stopped and started sniffing each other (Harry spent the whole time running with his tail in the air like an arab, show off!) 

The sniffing was very civilised with no squealing or striking, they seemed to accept each other fairly quickly and we gave them some hay, and then Harry rolled! I have never seen a pony more muddy, he went from a gorgeous fluffy black and white foal to something that you would find in a rescue case! He got it on his eyelashes! I was not amused. But he seemed happy enough, and I'd rather have a happy muddy pony than a clean miserable one.
When I checked on him the next day he was being very cool, let me come up and say hello then wandered off because it's not cool to be seen talking to your mum in front of your friends. I think he'll be very happy out there, and he's been perfect for catching now, been perfect for worming, perfect to have his feet trimmed so hopefully he'll stay perfect whilst I'm in hospital and recovering, and not get any breaking out of field ideas!