Long delay in updating this but me and harry have started on a new chapter in our journey - clicker training!!!
I've already played around with him and treats before, so I wanted to get him used to clicks now so we can start to refine behaviours etc.
Anywho yesterday was day ONE. I started with anti mugging - not that he's the mugging sort but you know... I just waited till he put his head down and away and then clicked and treated. The first click he went "WHaaa?! Oh... treats!" and after that he had it straight away I could hardly keep up with him, I finished by asking him to back up then drop his head, and tried to get him to do it when I pointed but my timing wasnt great, but still super duper pony poo got it all straight away, he is soooo smart! Shall be doing lots more and will try not to neglect this so much as I want to keep a record :)