This is turning out to be a monthly thing.. So, christmas Harry got to meet some of the family and was getting much more confident about leaving his stable. I simply left the stable door open all day and eventually he came out, once he did he realised it wasn't so bad. He now is very happy to come out of the stable.
We have progressed to putting headcollar on before he comes out (to start with he was walking round the stable in circles with me trying to stay with him before he stopped and let me put it on him, but we have managed to get it down to a step back and then acceptance) and then has his headcollar off at night when he comes into the stable (same drama for taking off as putting on) He has had his first experience of snow.
The first day I led him out, he came walking out all normal like then suddenly went Woah!!! What's all this white stuff! we walked around exploring and ventured into the terrifying garden where lurks vicious horse eating dogs and dragons hiding under dead plants.
But he was surprisingly good so at the weekend I decided the time was right for a walk around the village. This was a much bigger adventure than the garden as mum came with the dogs, and we had to walk past houses (!) A field with 3 big cobs (not so much ! more ooh other horses for me? - No, Harry, this way! - Oh, ok.. *sigh*) then went up a hill that was also a large field with my brother throwing sticks for the dogs behind us, our ascent was rather fast for that reason, then back down hill through a lovely bridleway, I was expecting Harry to maybe come too close behind me but he walked to heel better than my dogs do! Then we met another couple with a different dog and the women had a plastic bag (!!) Harrys eyes popped but he bravely sniffed them and decided they were safe, so on the last stretch home back on the lane we met about 4 or 5 cars, each time we had to get into a driveway that was filled with rubbish bags, some bright green, but Harry was fine, seeming to say "if you're not scared mum, then I'm not scared". What a good baby!
Haven't been for another walk as combination of work and terrible weather has meant I... haven't. But I will! Just you wait and see!
On a side note, I have discovered Harry is not a posh horse and does not want me to spend money on him, I splashed out the other day and got him a nice posh mineral lick, lots of treats and a treat ball, oh and a salt lick cos it was cheap. He hasn't even sniffed the mineral lick, won't touch the treat ball and when I try giving him the treats by hand he spits them out. but the cheap salt lick he loves! I guess it's good quality cheap stuff for him then. Better not buy any expensive rugs...
So see you (who? who's reading this anyway? - well I don't know but I like to read through it when I update it, and, anyway, someone might eventually start reading it and want to see my previous posts? - yeah, ok, keep dreaming) in February!
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