Harry is being a very happy dopey boy, haven't done much with him just hanging out giving him grooms etc which he loves! Doesn't need tying up or anything he will stand for ages while I brush out his mane and tail which is getting thicker by the day, he has definitely taken after his dad and is becoming more like a gypsy cob every day (I was hoping for him to take after his dam, her mane grows a normal length and then stop, her tail is a normal thickness for a native and she has a little bit of feather on her heels) But no Harry is definitely a daddys boy! His tail is nearly full grown already I always thought it took 2 years? Hmm.
Anyway the other day I was playing around with one of the other ponies attempting to lunge (pony said NO) and as Harry was standing there in the way I decided to tack him up, then stood him next to the handy bench that's there and stood on it so he gets used to having people above him, leaned over him and was giving him a good scratch and kept leaning over then standing back up and patting the saddle for a while, he wasn't bothered so I leaned right over and took my feet off the bench! Just for a second he took my whole weight, then quickly stood back on the bench and carried on scratching, he is such a dream pony he's not bothered by anything. It's very hard to leave the field as he just comes and stands there begging you to love him!
He still hates fly spray, I think it's more the smell than the spray, it is rather stinky. I've been spraying it on a brush and brushing it on him, it certainly works! The flies hate it, wish Harry would make the connection
He sounds really calm, doesn't he? (And nothing wrong with being a hairy cob!) I think they do connect the flyspray in the end. Mine hide from the flies in the field shelter, I go and put fly gel on and they all immediately leave the shelter and go and eat. Makes you wonder.
ReplyDeleteHe is really calm, considering he is still a colt! But don't think he's realised yet! :) And I like hairy cobs it's just all come on very suddenly he was looking quite welsh for a while