Sunday, 30 May 2010


I made a dummy although it wasn't a very good one! Put it on Harry on friday, but it kept falling apart... lol! Still Harry wasn't bothered about me throwing it around and sitting it on him, it was very floppy aswell so couldn't actually make it sit.. going to reinforce it with wood and tape this week and try again!
Have discovered Harrys stubborn side! Well not discovered just he's being so good I'd forgotten he had one lol, went to bring him in from the field and he wouldn't move, took me ages going from side to side take one step this way, now one step this way... took a while but we got there! Good old pony.
New plan, tomorrow, if he comes in from the field, going to put saddle on him (put it on him friday to remind him what it was like, he wasn't bothered even when i let the girth hang down around his legs, improvement from before as last time he had it on he was worried about the girth, having a month to think about things clearly is a good idea) and walk him all through the village, this will involve a lot more to look at than he's seen before as when he was at home we were at the far end of the village so would just walk around the bridleways, now he's in a field halfway down so we can walk all the way to the pub! hehe!
And going to attempt this with the saddle on aswell, or maybe do it without first, dunno find with Harry can't plan much just have to see what I'm feeling on the day :P

1 comment:

  1. You seem to have got the hang of this blogging lark. Deffo take Harry for lots of walks to see as much as he can. I do think this is lacking in so many youngsters' training.
