Well simply splendid weather! Or not, looks like we have our normal summer weather back. Took Harry down to the village yesterday. Was tempted to take him in the pub but thought we might get chucked out hehe. Did meet some friendly villagers who thought he was lovely, which he is looking rather good now, after being a bit of a weed so far he has suddenly got muscle all over the place!
So on our walk I met my brother on his bike, which was a part of Harrys education I had completely forgotten about, silly me! Bikes are scary things that creep up behind horses then POUNCE!! So I made my brother cycle back with us going ahead then coming back and up behind just continuous circles around us, after Harry had a look he realised there was no danger so thats another piece of his education sorted! What would I do without my little brother, he does come in useful sometimes! Just been looking up horsey birthday cake recipes as it's Harrys first birthday thursday and I will make him a cake! Hope the weather improves..
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