Vet came out today to give Harry his second flu/tet jab, he was very good jumped a bit when she put it in but it was over so fast he didn't really mind. She gave me some wormer aswell as there's so many now I wasn't sure which to use and he was due (wormed him in March) have also been concerned about his weight, he's not thin he's got loads of muscle and topline, but I can see his ribs, however vet said he should be fine after worming so that's a relief, I do get more worried over him than other horses, probably cos I see him as my baby! Also asked about gelding and she said september would be a good time, so make the most of them Harry!
He is still being stubborn about coming in from the field, I can walk up and catch him no problem, and he'll follow me for about 2 strides and then stop, so I've been walking to the side and getting him to move one step, then going to the other side and move another step, and in this way w

e make our slow descent until eventually he gets bored and starts walking. It was quite funny the other day when I was doing it though, as I think the headcollar must have been on one of the pressure points that release endorphins? Because everytime I pulled he was falling asleep! Hehe. He's such a loving pony though I can spend an hour with him in the field just scratching and stroking him and he went move :) He seems to understand when I'm sad aswell and will be extra loving, nuzzling me etc. He really is my dream horse, I still can't believe he's mine sometimes. Erm the end for now :)