Apart from that he's fine, nothing scary out on our walks and he has better control of his legs walking downhill so he is nolonger crashing into me or dragging me down steep hills :). He is starting to think about biting a little so balls are definitely off in september! And in the meantime it's just more walkies and think of something else to de-sensitise him too, maybe an umbrella? Hmm...
Umbrellas would be good, actually. We used to ride past some fishing ponds, and the umbrellas used to frighten Max to death (and more so if someone got up from behind one). Actually, getting used to people appearing from nowhere is quite a good idea, as, if you ever go riding in a woods, when people see you they tend to disappear off the path, thinking they are doing you a favour, but it's actually more scary for the horse, and we often have to ask people to come back out of the trees so the horses can see them clearly.