After doom and gloomy weather for what seemed like ages but was probably only 2 weeks at the most, the sun came out!!!
So I went to see Harry, first of all we had a loverly long cuddle :) made me very happy and mushy, theeeen I made an attempt at grooming him, but oh my that's a whole winters worth of dirt he has on him! So I gave up, thought I'd leave it for another day. And then I decided as it's so nice we could go for a walk, haven't been for a walk for ages, and I was expecting him to be rather full of beans, but he wasnt, we wondered off down the road, Harry kept sniffing the puddles and washing his mouth in them, then giving me wet muddy kisses :) And he wanted to look into every gateway we passed, so I let him as it was such a nice day, then we turned around and he got a bit excited and jig jogged, I just said "steeeeeady" so he steadied, and we ambled back to the field, where Rocky was not at all bothered that Harry had left him. Oh the little things they make me happy, even if I never ride Harry I would be happy just hanging out in the field cuddling him and going for walks.
But as it is a new year, my plans are (very likely to change) to do another show or two with Harry and start some long lining. But that's not till spring or summer. For now it's just little walks around the village :)
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